Ecco un codice snello e veloce , che vi permetterà di colorare la nicklist del vostro mIRC!
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;;;;;Installation guide;;;;;;;
;;;1- copy this code and paste it into ur remotes alt + r or put it in ur script directory and write /load -rs nickcolor.mrc in ur script commandline;;;;;;;;
;;;2- enable ur address book color by : /abook > colors > enable(checkbox);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;3- write /painter to run the script;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;the code starts here;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
dialog painty {
title "NickList Painter"
size -1 -1 99 127
option dbu
combo 1, 38 9 53 61, size drop
combo 2, 38 23 53 61, size drop
combo 3, 38 40 53 61, size drop
combo 4, 38 56 53 61, size drop
box "Colors", 5, 4 0 91 106
text "OP", 6, 11 9 26 8
text "Halfop", 7, 11 23 25 8
combo 8, 38 72 53 61, size drop
text "Voice", 9, 11 40 25 8
text "Regular", 10, 11 56 25 8
text "$me ", 11, 11 72 25 8
check "Enable NickList Painter", 13, 17 111 65 10
button "&Save,Exit", 14, 30 88 37 12, default flat ok
on *:dialog:painty:init:* {
did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 White(0) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Black(1) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Deep Blue(2) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Green(3)
did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Red(4) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Maron(5) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Purple(6) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Orange(7)
did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Yellow(8) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Light Green(9) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Cyan(10) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Light Blue(11)
did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Blue(12) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Pink(13) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Dark Grey(14) | did -a painty 1,2,3,4,8 Light Grey(15)
did -c painty 1 $calc($gettok(%op.color,1,3) + 1)
did -c painty 2 $calc($gettok(%hop.color,1,3) +1)
did -c painty 3 $calc($gettok(%voice.color,1,3) +1)
did -c painty 4 $calc($gettok(%regular.color,1,3) +1)
did -c painty 8 $calc($gettok(%me.color,1,3) +1)
if (%nickcolor.enable) { did -c painty 13 }
on *:dialog:painty:sclick:13 {
if ($did(13).state) { set %nickcolor.enable 1 }
else { unset %nickcolor.enable }
on *:dialog:painty:sclick:14 {
set %op.color $gettok($gettok($did(painty,1),2,40),1,41)
set %hop.color $gettok($gettok($did(painty,2),2,40),1,41)
set %voice.color $gettok($gettok($did(painty,3),2,40),1,41)
set %regular.color $gettok($gettok($did(painty,4),2,40),1,41)
set %me.color $gettok($gettok($did(painty,8),2,40),1,41)
if ($did(13).state == 0) {
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
else {
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -s1 * %op.color @
.cnick -s1 * %hop.color %
.cnick -s1 * %voice.color +
.cnick -sl * %regular.color
.cnick -s1 $me %me.color
alias painter {
if ($dialog(painty)) { echo -a NickList Painter Is Already Opened }
else { dialog -m painty painty }
on *:unload {
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
.cnick -r 1
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